Sunday, July 31, 2005

5 Years in Pictures

I was sorting through my film pictures from 4th year and going through old albums when I decided that there were a lot of these I wanted to share. It also seemed like a good way to inaugurate this site.

Here goes... I've never used any online image software before other than my feeble attempts at making photo websites. The HTML is a little patchy, much of it hardcoded, but enjoy. Scroll from bottom post up for chronological viewing.

Fourth Year

Count-down to iron ring, convocation and the future.

We perform a grand-daddy of a move at the beginning of the year. New home: Harbord St. Jason owns a lot of suits... this is how we moved them.

Loquax and I. I'll let this picture speak for itself.

Jo returned from Taiwan with a thing for durians. Note the oven mitt. Turns out that Jason is quite averse to the smell of durian. She tried hiding her 2nd durian behind a small fort of cereal boxes on top of our shelf. Didn't work so well, he still found it.

Our brilliant young friend is accepted in the Skoll program and prepares for his first day on MEY by ironing a hole in our stairs carpet.

I curl on mixed for a second season. Here is our team on the ice: Jason's throwing, Pat and I are sweeping.

IRON RING - OT4+PEY group shot.

End of exams celebration - Nano Party. C2H5OH. Friends. French. I have a shot of our two unfortunate losers in that drinking game, but it's not so attractive, so I won't post it.

May be a long time till I see some of these ppl again.

5 years later, I convocate.


I'll let 3 pictures represent my PEY year.

Curling - after 3 years in spectator/fan/coach status, I finally join a mixed curling team. Here we are with one of our usual celebratory/consolation drinks (fruitopia also often figured).

UTEK - Jason convinces me to undelete those UTEK emails and actually join. We enter the entrepreneurial design competition and miraculously win first place. Here is our first attempt at a poster (the 2nd looks much better) as well as our little plaque.

Food - I've lost count of how many cook-ins and potlucks we had during this year off school. Here's a picture of ppl taking pictures of food.

Third Year

Word of the year: Nano.

One of our first ever quantum parties. Usual suspects are loquax, icky and I. They invariably involved boggle, cookies and DAGGER!.

Eventually the 3 of us went on to produce a Star Wars ripoff film using loquax's web cam and themed Lego figures. Here are a few still shots from our masterpiece production: quantum-themed Star Wars opening, favorite characters (black monolith-like piece is Han in carbonite), action-filled lightsaber duel scene and dramatic death star closing sequence.. The integration with the soundtrack is phenomenal.

Nano aside, this was also the year that I moved in to Baldwin St. Here are my two favorite girls from the house.

Secret Santa to-do at our house - who got BBN the hot pink panties?!

How often do we take photos in-class? This picture is supposed capture the role that crosswords have played in my university career. Keener that I was, I used participate in crossword races during class (Star ones)... obviously, this is why I never understood quantum. For whatever reason, mel has showed up to one of our classes. In the background, you can see a posted crossword completed by her and icky. But obviously, I finished mine first. :P

A second xword pic featuring Pat, who helped me improve from the novice cryptic solver that I was from high school to wherever I am now. We went through a phenomenal amount of puzzles this year - all the finished ones got posted on the fridge. Here is the aftermath, when we had to move out.

Second Year

Much of second year can be summed up in a word - Design.

This was my design group.

We had no idea what we were doing.

But, sometimes, work was accomplished.

Curling also begins creeping more and more into my life. Yes, our stone is a kettle - it had a handle.

I spent both 2nd year exam periods cooped up at Robarts so I wouldn't go crazy living alone in my little attic with mice. See if you can ID person X sleeping at this hallowed institution of learning.

I just like this shot of Mere showing me where she comes from. This was our Explore Toronto Day at the end of the year.

I think this is the first summer I started seeing university friends outside of the university setting. Us on stone couch in a hotel quad in Yorkville.

First Year

I was frosh of class 0T4. I think I was in group omega. I sizzled like bacon. I dyed some of me purple. I went to Queen's Park and yelled at then-resident Mike Harris. I went on the yellow tour/invasion of Toronto. This pic is of us on our parade through the Eaton Centre to pay homage at Godiva's.

Waterfight at NPS. I'm in the water somewhere... someone else was taking these pics.

Once upon a time I was spirited. This is my scavenger hunt group from subsequent frosh week events. We're starting to see some familiar faces now.

The remainder of 1st year is somewhat fuzzy, lost in a blur of problem sets ("What's your IQ?" --> referring to loads on a bridge) and late-night programming (Why, yes, that is someone else's name in my program header. Crap.) I'll let this picture capture it all. I lived at Innis. Someone in this suite owned a giant Mr. Potato Head. Enough said.


I'll use this post as a springboard for my journeys. 5 years of photos, scanned and condensed here.

Once upon a time, a baby girl geek was born: me.

Her parents were so pleased with the outcome, that they had 3 more kids. They affectionately became known as my 'brothers' and 'sister'.

One day, I grew up and graduated from high school. Thus began my university career.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

How does this look?

Testing. testing.