The second day of my train pass was used to get myself to Cambridge. My train left from Kings Cross Station where I took the time to visit the following Harry Potter shrine. I don't know how long it has been there but I first heard of it from J. The point is to pose as though you're running the baggage cart in through the wall. I didn't...

Lots of punters to be seen along the Cam - mainly tourists, either steering their own boats in a zig-zag or hired punters pushing along. Made for a nice backdrop to everything, with the bridges and weeping willows.

Since all the colleges were paid entry, I visited the two most highly recommended by Frommer. The first one was King's College, which had a magnficent chapel. Unfortunately, photos were not allowed in the inside, but I spent a while looking through the exhibits.

The other college was St. John's College. My favorite building here was the New Court aka the Wedding Cake.

St. John's College is also the site of one of the nicest bridges on campus - the Bridge of Sighs. What a name.

Spent the night tramping around London again. Highlight of the evening was finding 221B Baker Street, fictional address of the famed Sherlock Holmes. I was terribly confused when looking for it. The actual 221 Baker Street is in the midst of a construction site. The fake 221B Baker Street (located next to 241 Baker Street) is the Sherlock Holmes museum. I wasn't the only Doyle geek out that night. I saw a guy taking pictures across the street too.
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